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This was my first attempt using tools and combining images to create new ones on photoshop. I started out by using the quick selection tool on the image of the Mona Lisa. Using this tool I selected her and deleted her out of the picture, leaving just the background. Then I selected the background and used the hue and saturation tab to change the color to purple and blue tones. Then i warped, stretched, and added a filter to it until i create a unique background for the back of my quiz creation. Then using the Lichtenstein photo i used the quick selection tool and the magic wand tool to cut out black shades and extra area leaving the dominate features in the girl. With this image I then used the transform tool to correctly fit and move it to where i wanted it on the screen. Next i used the cheese doodle image and selected one , changed the color to blue, transformed, and moved it to the finger of the girl. After this i used the magic wand tool on the image of the moon to crop out the black. I then selected the darker shades of the moon and changed them to this gliterly pink, purple and blue color. Using the transform and move tool I moved the moon behind the girls face. Because the girl was cut out i can see the moon through cut outs in her face. Then using the baby photo i changed the color to this blue almost glowing color and made it into a clone stamp. I then removed the white background from the butterfly picture and then used the baby clone stamp on one side of the wing on the butterfly. Then I placed the butterfly image above the moon and the face. Then using the dune photo i used the magic wand tool to crop out the majority of the picture and major shades leaving this dry brushed affect and put that as the top layer of the image. Next i used the chain, change the color and transformed it and place it into the bottom right corner. Then I removed the background of the guitar, added the slightest drop shadow, and placed that image on the left side of the photo creation. I then used the film image and added a blue stroke and made the inside a blue glittery color. Then i lowered the opacity to blend it more into the background and placed that on the right side. Lastly using the text tool i typed my name on the bottom of my final creation.

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